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Your Ultimate Beard Care Guide


Aside from enhancing your aesthetic appeal, a beard can boost your skin’s health. How? By protecting it from infection-causing bacteria and blocking harmful and carcinogenic UV rays. With a beard, comes responsibilities. The hardest task isn’t growing a beard but maintaining it. An unkempt beard acts as a breeding site for harmful bacteria, which cause deadly skin infections. So, if you’ve decided to grow a beard, it is important that you learn how to take good care of it, else, you might end up with serious skin infections. Shared below are beard-care guidelines that you should consider implementing. View more on Moustache Kit


Wash your beard at least four times a week. It’d be embarrassing to have a dirty and smelly beard. A lot of dirt and sweat is trapped in the beard. It is because of this that you have to clean it. You have to be selective with the type of products you use to clean your beard. Organic shampoos are best because they do not contain any hazardous chemicals, which might react negatively with your skin. Also, avoid shampoos that contain sulfate because they’ll remove the natural oils that help to keep your beard lustrous and moisturized. Do you have sensitive skin? You’ll want to check the ingredients carefully before you buy any product. This way, you’ll not buy a product that might trigger severe reactions.

Hydrate and condition your beard. Moisturizing your beard will help to curb breakage, flakiness, and itchiness. Also, it’ll help to keep the follicles healthy. Conditioning will, on the other hand, help to strengthen the follicles and to give your beard a glossy and smooth texture. There are many hydrating and conditioning oils. Use those that are made from natural extracts. Do not apply the oil daily because you might end up clogging the follicles and triggering the accumulation of excess dirt. Oil it at least three times every week after cleaning it. Take a few drops of oil and pour them on your palms. Spread and massage the oil. Make sure that it reaches the base.Click on Best Beard Oil


Trim the beard. You’d not want your beard to look unkempt. What better way to keep it tidy than to trim it every once in a while. Besides tidying up your beard, trimming will get rid of split ends that slow down growth. It is not advisable to use trimmers because they cause split ends. Use scissors instead. Your diet also matters. Eat right and embrace healthy living. If at all possible, include a lot of proteins in your diet. Learn more on

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